...slash sorry this post has been so long in coming. I've been busy the past couple of weeks with moving, shopping, getting my apartment set up, cheering on the volleyball team at Mac Court and getting ready for marching band next week.
Anyway, this time I'd like to tell you about some free ways you can help the world. The following three sites use the giving power of large companies, the convenience of the Internet and the strength of the masses (that's you!) to maximize each person's giving power. It takes no money on your part, although it may take a little effort.
At The Hunger Site, you can click to support hunger relief, child health, literacy, free mammograms, animal rescue efforts and rainforest protection, all from different tabs on one site. With each click, site sponsors donate money to fund these causes. It takes very little time and effort (only twelve clicks and about 30 seconds on average) and the results add up.
Freekibble and Freekibblekat were the brainchild of 12-year-old Mimi Ausland from Bend, Oregon. Concerned about the plight of animals in shelters all over the country (including her local shelter) who lack regular, healthy food, she started a website where people all over the country can answer trivia questions about dogs and cats. Similar to The Hunger Site, site sponsors Castor & Pollux and Canidae Dog Food donate food with every answered trivia question (right or wrong).
Free Rice has a variety of multiple-choice questions in a variety of subjects including English vocabulary, math, languages and art. For each correct answer, the site donates 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to hungry people around the world. In addition, you may learn something new too!
All of these sites have "results" pages so you can see how big of an impact millions of people can have on the world. Thanks for clicking!